Mick Willis

Mick's car had been through several owners before he purchased it. However, it had always remained stock but he knew that it really needed to be hot rodded. 

So during the years of '66-67 thats what he went ahead and done. Mick had many years of fun with it but in1974 he put the '32 up for sale. The new owner was John 'Krud' Clifford who run the car for a couple years. At which point the car was looking a bit sad for itself and really needed a rebuild. John stripped the car down to start the rebuild and thats as far as it got. 

By 2018 it was still in bits. At this point his good friend and long time hot rodder Simon Lane steeped in and offered to buy the car. There was a huge amount of work needed, particular on the body. The metal work part of the job went to the late Dave Haskell who undertook the work, while Simon sorted everything else. The hot rod was finally finished and back on the road in 2022.

The car was a feature in the NSRA members magazine 'Street Gasser, issue April 2022.

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